Southdown Court, Brighton
The redevelopment at 39-41 Whitehawk Way, Brighton was successfully completed prior to Christmas resulting in 6 highly serviced and robust assisted living units for adults with autism and complex individual support needs being handed over to the Southdown Housing Association to provide much neede
Restoration of a weathervane in a Grade I church in Lewes
The first weathervane on the Grade I Listed church tower was placed on top in 1620 and after being lost and found is now on the Harvey’s Brewery building, a little way down Cliffe High Street.
Worthing's Highdown Gardens wins crucial HLF funding.
Celebrations are underway after Worthing's world-famous gardens at Highdown received a major financial boost to help preserve their future.
Completion of works at Ninfield C of E Primary School
The contract works at Ninfield C of E Primary School are now complete with the new two classroom extension and newly configured external works being hannded over to East Sussex County Council and the School.
Redevelopment of the Sussex Coaster Site in Peacehaven
Following a promising pre-application consultation made in conjunction with Parker Dan we have just submitted for planning permission a scheme to redevelop the Sussex Coaster Site in Peacehaven to provide 18 dwellings, with a mix of 1 and 2 bed flats and